Sunday 3: 10 pm.


One of our customers in the Milton Keynes area has had a Atlas Trailer stolen.

Check the trailer chassis number

The chassis number is 006OEM00300090 which is clearly stamped on the left hand side of the A frame or towing tongue above the VIN plate which has the same details on it.

The trailer has an electric winch mounted in the bed a smooth alumium floor and 1 tool boxes underneath. This was stolen on 21/02/2011

Reward for information on this stolen trailer

A reward is offered for the safe return of this trailer. Please call Paul on  07930 378 640 or Clive at Atlas on 07990 835495



One of our customers in the Slough area has had a Atlas Trailer stolen.

Check the trailer chassis number

The chassis number is 006OEM00300023 which is clearly stamped on the left hand side of the A frame or towing tongue above the VIN plate which has the same details on it.

The trailer has a smooth alumium floor and 2 tool boxes underneath. This was stolen on 10th December 2009.

The owner had added a manual switch to the side of the pump cover and removed all the atlas stickers . The side panels should appear new and shiny when the rest of the trailer may not.

The trailer had 4 new tyres and two new mudguards on the near side.

Reward for information on this stolen trailer

A reward is offered for the safe return of this trailer. Please call Danny on 01753 531305 or Clive at Atlas on 07990 835495.



One of our customers in the Colchester area has had a Atlas Trailer stolen.

Check the trailer chassis number

The chassis number is 006OEM00300139 which is clearly stamped on the left hand side of the A frame or towing tongue above the VIN plate which has the same details on it.

This trailer was stolen between 4th and 5th of May 2009. It was a standard tipper trailer without the mesh sides.

Reward for information on this stolen trailer

Please call Roy on 07711 425 901 or Clive on 07990 835 495 a reward is offered for the safe return of this trailer.



One of our customers in the Teddington area of London has had a Atlas Trailer stolen.

Check the trailer chassis number

The chassis number is 006OEM00300017 which is clearly stamped on the left hand side of the A frame or towing tongue above the VIN plate which has the same details on it.

The trailer has a chequer plate floor and 1 tool box underneath. This was stolen on 17th July 2007 from Teddington area

Reward for information on this stolen trailer

A reward is offered for information that leads to the return of this trailer. Please contact Clive at Atlas on 07990 835495 or Daryl on 07960 123580



Regretfully one of our customers in the Somerset area has had their Atlas Trailer stolen on the 17th May 2008

Check the trailer chassis number

The chassis number is 006OEM00300064 which is clearly stamped on the left hand side of the A frame or towing tongue above the VIN plate which has the same details on it.

This trailer had recently had the Atlas logos removed in preparation for sign writing but would still have had the two red information stickers on the front.

Reward for information on this stolen trailer

There is a reward offered for the information that leads to the safe return of this trailer. Please contact either Clive on 07990 835495 or Colin on 07763 280209

Atlas Trailer ownership card - ask to see this when buying an Atlas trailer - it may be stolenProof of ownership of Atlas Trailers

Please remember you should ask to see the credit card style ownership card when buying any Atlas Trailer. There will not be one with this stolen trailer because it is still with the owner!

Do not accept any excuse without checking with us first. Or contact your local police if suspicious.

Details of each Atlas trailer are held on the Atlas Trailer Register.

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